Department of Culture

In an era characterized by the coexistence of diverse value systems and increasing social complexity, the Department of Culture strives to foster a solid understanding of cultural diversity along with the ability to cultivate a broad outlook and to think flexibly.

To that and, the Department utilizes small-group seminars―a basic seminar for first-year students followed by cultural studies starting during the second year―so that students can cultivate a constructive attitude to learning and participate in rich and satisfying dialog.

The curriculum also includes specialized subjects such as philosophy, religious studies, art, sociology, psychology, geography, and cultural anthropology, so that students are able to understand in a multifaceted and comprehensive manner a diverse range of cultures in line with their interests.

The Department of Culture is dedicated to offering an educational experience that empowers graduates to understand cultural diversity and to flourish in society without falling victim to the pitfalls of stereotypical thinking.