Institute for the Development and Support of Higher Education

Promoting organized, continuing improvement in educational content and teaching methods

The Institute for the Development and Support of Higher Education, which is dedicated to providing and improving educational content, methods, and other resources in an organized and sustained manner, administers programs dedicated to educational faculty development support and promotion, learning assistance, and academic IR. (The University has adopted a view of faculty development that carefully focuses on education.)

The faculty development support and promotion program collects and analyzes information and requirements related to education inside and outside the University and shares its findings within the University to facilitate the improvement of its educational programs. It also supports and promotes the development of educational faculty in all departments by developing campus-wide educational methods and planning and implementing faculty training and related programs.

The learning assistance program provides extracurricular learning venues and offers learning assistance that is closely connected to regular coursework to help students realize independent study.

The academic IR program systematically collects and analyzes data related to education planning and decision-making, providing reports and expert advice.