Fukuoka University's Medium-and Long-term Plans(Phase 1, 2020 to 2024)

The operators of Fukuoka University and its associated healthcare facilities and schools are committed to making a broad regional and global contribution as a center of education, research, and healthcare in response to the needs of its era and society in a way that takes into account issues that will face the society of the future (Society 5.0, globalization, a declining population with growing numbers of centenarians), as well as Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), while valuing the unique bond that it shares with its home region of Kyushu.

1. Providing education, research, and healthcare that meet the requirements of the era and society

Society is changing in significant ways as we enter a new era, and those changes are driving the evolution of education, research, and medicine. With regard to education, we recognize the knowledge, skills, and human qualities demanded by society and strive to instill them in students in accordance with our commitment to mutual growth and development. With regard to research, we carefully monitor the needs of society, pursue research that is socially meaningful, and harness the results in the service of social good. With regard to healthcare, as an operator of hospitals that offer advanced treatment while supporting regional medical care, we offer safe, high-quality medical care based on human warmth in response to society's needs.

2. Supporting advanced and high-level research

The University has generated numerous research findings in fields such as the humanities and social sciences, science and engineering, pharmacology, medicine, and the life sciences. Going forward, we will continue to pursue advanced, high-level research while communicating the results to the world based on our understanding that our role as a university means pursuing truth and contributing to scholarship.

3. Nurturing a global perspective through close relations with other nations, especially in East Asia

Fostering the development of graduates who can successfully navigate our rapidly globalizing society in areas such as politics, economics, and culture is one of our major roles as an educational institution. We're dedicated to offering an education that focuses on Japan's relationships with other Asian nations while emphasizing Fukuoka's characteristics as a gateway to Asia. By accepting talented exchange students, particularly from Asian nations, and sending Japanese students to study overseas, we prepare students to become citizens of the world with an international outlook and useful skills.

4. Helping vitalize and develop Fukuoka and the surrounding region

Fukuoka University has developed in the context of a close relationship with regional society in Fukuoka. We remain committed to helping our region dynamically develop by emphasizing our bonds with that region, including training its future leaders, contributing to partnerships between industry and academia, raising awareness through education and research directed towards local residents, and pursuing a range of culture-, sports-, and healthcare-focused activities.

5. Building a flexible organization resilient to the intense change that characterizes our times and strengthening the University's financial base

We will establish a stable foundation on which the University can operate by building a flexible organization and strengthening its financial base so that we can steadily pursue the four goals outlined above while making further contributions to education, research, healthcare, and society.